Tag Archives: The World Is Still Beautiful Episode 3

Review: The World Is Still Beautiful, Episode 3: Chancellor’s Declaration


It seems this may end up being more of a character-driven story, which is perfectly fine. This time around, we continue to learn more about the king (whose name is Livi, for the record), as well as a little more about Nike’s rain calling. While it’s probably no surprise to anime veterans, the king isn’t quite the jerk that he comes across as. He is certainly still rude, abrasive, and manipulative (just watch the end of this episode for that last one), but underneath all of that there do seem to be some good qualities. Again, this particular character archetype may not be anything particularly new, but it works, and it makes for an entertaining story.

Another thing worth noting is that Nike doesn’t seem to just be the character who will straighten the king out–she has her flaws too. She flat out calls herself an idiot (or something of that nature) at one point in the episode, so while the king may have the majority of the growing up to do, Nike may have some in store herself. In all reality, this story probably could have been done as a high school drama. A few things would have to be changed plot wise, sure, but the general theme of the story could be just as easily done. The fantasy theme is a nice touch, though, and perhaps the Rain-Summoning will play a larger role as time comes. That’s not so much a criticism, by the way, as it is a way of saying thankfully they did something different. Just because something could be done as a high school drama doesn’t mean it has to be or should be. We have plenty of those. Of course, the fantasy genre leaves different plot options open down the road, so we’ll have to see where it goes.

Overall, if you’ve enjoyed The World Is Still Beautiful up until this point, then this episode should entertain you as well.

A Christian Perspective:

To add a little to episode two’s note: it seems that Nike can read minds or something like that, as evidenced by her ability to see the king’s memory of his mom, as well as by something she does in this episode.

Lesson-wise, I think we can take something away from Nike’s rain summoning. If I’m remembering correctly, the rain summoning seems to be something that you do for someone else, not for your own personal benefit or enjoyment. Now, granted, my point does fall apart if I’m wrong that, but if I’m right then that seems to be something we Christians can relate to. The salvation of Christ, while a great gift, is not something we should simply keep to ourselves. Once we receive it, we are expected to share it with others, so that they, too, will hopefully come to know the Savior. While the rain summoning really isn’t an allegory for salvation, the idea that it’s not something for us to simply horde and keep to ourselves is something that we can relate. Also is the fact that, if the rain summoning has touched someone’s heart, then it’ll be evident in their face. This could be compared to the fact that if someone is truly saved, then their life will produce fruit. Once you come to know Christ, your life is changed, and it should be evident to others. There’s not much I can do to expand upon that comparison, but there you have it.

Content Guide:

Language: 1 “j**z”

Alcohol/Drug Use: None

Nudity/Sex/Fanservice: Nike wakes up to find the king naked in her bed (we don’t even see so much as the king’s butt this time around, though); the king asks if Nike’s breasts have shrunk

Violence: None

Blood/Gore: None

Other: Nike may have some kind of mind reading ability or something, as evidenced by her ability to see Livi’s past with his mom, as well as something she does in this episode